Sunday, May 15, 2011

Using Productivity Tools Effectively - Week 1

We just started a new class this week - Using Productivity Tools Effectively.  I am really excited about this class because I'm hoping it will provide me with some extra resources for our teachers and staff.  It has been an ongoing struggle for me to find effective Web 2.0 type applications for my staff.  The main reason has been simply finding the time to sit down and go through the quickly mounting amount of options.  Being in a class such as this will be extremely helpful because it will give me a starting point from which to work from in my quest for useful Web 2.0 applications.  A perfect example is the content of the first week's assignments.  One assignment was to explore different programs that create graphics.  The other assignment was to explore presentation programs.  In both cases there were 5-10 different examples to choose from.  These examples had been tested out by the instructor and deemed effective enough to include in this class.  Like I stated earlier, the key is that a starting point was provided.  We weren't limited to these choices but it is much easier to have some viable options presented to you and then spin off and explore on your own than it is to just start from scratch.  The results can be overwhelming when putting a search term such as "graphic programs" into a search engine.  I was introduced to many new applications and Web 2.0 tools already in this first week.  I already have thoughts of how to incorporate the new graphics program by Deviant Art into some teacher lessons this year as well ideas for its use next year.  An added bonus is that it uses HTML5 so it can be used on the iPad 2.  The presentation software I chose was Empressr and while it was somewhat difficult to publish the finished product I still enjoyed exploring it's features.

1 comment:

  1. It is very easy to get overwhelmed with the choices in graphics programs, office suites, etc. However, through experimentation you will narrow your choices down to a few reliable programs and use them effectively. This will put you in a better position to analyze new programs and determine what fits your needs.
