Well it took me right to the wire to get all of the finishing touches completed on my online portfolio but it's finally done. Thank Goodness!!
Going through the courses on Angel Learning and sifting through the weekly lessons really reminded me of how far I've come since the start of the program. I had already been on board with Google and their many free offerings but even with my prior knowledge I was still able to become more comfortable with the inner workings of several of the Google Tools like Sites, Reader, and Trends. Another valuable aspect of this Master's program was introducing some different topics that I wouldn't normally have explored on my own. This program took me out of my comfort zone when it came to exploring different Operating Systems, for example. I was also forced to analyze some tools that I never would've thought to analyze. Even though tools like Twitter and Facebook would not be tools that I would promote or use in the classroom or personal use, at least I can say that I tried using them for a trial period to see what they were really about. There are several tools like Google Reader and VoiceThread that I possibly wouldn't have stumbled upon if it hadn't been for our coursework, however.
Discovering the tools and working collaboratively with colleagues in the same field was an excellent experience but I think perhaps the most valuable skill that I am taking out of this program is that I now feel that I have the courage and confidence to be a more outspoken leader in my school dynamic. I feel more along the lines of an administrator with a specialized skill, yet I still have the teaching experiences that my colleagues will appreciate and respect when I approach them with integration ideas. This program has really been a driving force behind my emergence into this new role as Technology Integrator at my school and hopefully it will be a springboard into an even more encompassing position either at my current school or another opportunity.
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