Well here we are at the end of the 2nd class of the MEIT cohort and we finished strong with an assignment about putting together the perfect computer. I read quite a few blog reflections from others where they expressed relief that this class is over but I'm actually wishing that we could have had a couple more weeks to get a little more in depth. My hardware knowledge and skills have always been decent but this class took me to those limits with assignments to the point where I wanted to edge a little further to expand my horizons. I know I spent at least an hour longer on the perfect computer assignment because I kept getting sidetracked by wanting to take a deeper look at Hexa Core processors, different types of RAM, USB 3.0 external hard drives, etc. The same is true of some of the other assignments as well. The Operating System assignment was probably the most eye opening for me because I had little to no experience with Linux. After the exposure to Linux I have big plans for it after reading numerous forum posts where people told stories of Linux rescuing their older laptops or desktops. Apparently Linux still runs fast on machines with older hardware - now that is knowledge that I can put to good use.
I love that this Master's program is online, don't get me wrong, but this might have been a class that I would've enjoyed being in a lab with my fellow cohorts while playing around with the different hardware, devices, and operating systems. Maybe that's just me.
Learning about the Operating Systems was a good experience for me as well. I had never even know or thought to explore Linus systems. Your tip about using a linux system on an older computer could be valuable as I have an older laptop that it may be perfect for!